Sunday, November 2, 2008

World News for Nov 2, 2008

Joan Mariner on Guantonamo. Let's close this monstrosity, but let's do it right.
[Listen to this little known episode in American history of what happens when POWs are left to the political whims of bureaucrats. President of the FFF tells all]

The latest [Nov 2] interview is on the 'legality' of torture. Daphne Eviatar is lawyer and journalist for the Washington Independent.

Robert Dreyfuss gives Scott Horton the low-down on national boundaries, international militarism, and what this means to America, the next President, and ultimately the world. (I might add, the President is not the leader of the US so much as the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces which are in permanent deployment, i.e., The emperor of the world.)

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