Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Continuity of Illusion

If people like Biden understand the Constitution and the founding ideas, I don't understand how they can, in good conscience, take an oath to uphold the Supreme Law of the Land whilst also being a New Democrat/International Socialist.

It's seems obvious to reason that he knows, as do so many of his colleagues, that the continuity of power "they" seek to maintain can only occur if it is masked by the projections of the populace. That is why Obama both claims to have a mandate from "the people" but is also perceived to be a blank slate. Many people feel empowered and represented while the politics of power is simultaneously engaged and revamped.

The difference between "change" and "continuity" is so vast it seems hard to understand how "the public" could be so duped. But the fact is that "the public" is not united, and it never will be. It is divided, and diverse. The unity that Obama seems to desire is not present, it is an illusion. And he uses that illusion effectively.

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